FFfAW — The Deed

IMG_2644The new moon was in the sky, making it a particularly dark night. That was a good thing. In Ivan’s line of work, the cover of darkness was a blessing.

He sat patiently, nursing a latte at a table in the back corner of the outdoor café across the street from the hotel. Sitting patiently and waiting was a large part of his job, so he was used to it.

He peered through a small pair of binoculars, alert to all movements outside the hotel’s lobby. He had already affixed the silencer to the barrel of his weapon, which he held on his lap. Ivan was totally ready to do the deed when the time arrived.

When he saw his target exiting from the hotel, Ivan stood up, stealthily ran across the street, and shot the man in the face before darting into an alleyway next to the hotel.

The president will be pleased, Ivan thought. One less hypercritical investigative journalist publishing fake news.

(164 words)

Written for this week’s Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers prompt from Priceless Joy. Photo credit: Pamela S. Canepa.